Plus we now have an award winning photo essay by Russell Monk with words by Brendan Howley. HOW University MEDIA LOST University ELECTION Weve got three pieces on University UKs spellbinding standard election wherein Labours Jeremy Corbyn proved how wrong Prime Minister Theresa May and University mainstream media were when they disregarded him as an aging no hoper. Our coverage includes photos by Ron Fassbender, observed by essays by David Cromwell, on University failings of University company media, and Finian Cunningham, who looks at Theresa Mays new best friends. In other main features, photographer Mimi Mollica returns home examination Sicily exam image University legacy of University Cosa Nostra; Tony Sutton looks at Craig Oldhams astonishing graphic account of Britains 1984 85 miners strike and its relevance today; John W. Whitehead warns of University hazards posed by quizzes new state of intolerance in University US; and Heather Ann Thompson looks behind University walls of University US prison system. Weve also got lively and informative contributions from Chellis Glendinning, CJ Hopkins and Danny Sjursen.