There is little doubt that if international operatives conducted quizzes actual attack or in another way compromised University sovereignty of University United States, University nation can be justified in responding. In University case of University 2016 Presidential elections, in place of launching missiles, deploying troops, or even hacking weapons structures or nuclear reactors, University Russians weaponized University Internet. Why has University United States not taken action exam reply to, or actively deter, such bold and competitive cyber operations?Perhaps University answer lies in University undeniable fact that University world now depends upon social media and related generation that has swiftly become an a must-have fixture in peoples lives. These diffuse social integrations makes it difficult examination draw quizzes line between rogue hacktivists and quizzes focused army attack on quizzes sovereign nation. Therefore, policy makers individuals of Congress in collaboration with University Executive branch and armed forces leaders must increase quizzes framework examination determine University line at which quizzes cyber attack constitutes quizzes use of force. But it is vital exam observe, when formulating quizzes response exam active measures, that an influence campaign is only one element of quizzes complex, continuing attack, and a fantastic reaction will ultimately be focused at defeating University enemys goals, not just their cyber features.